Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Beginning

Ludwig Wittgenstein said: "The limits of my language are the limits of my world" ("Los límites de mi lenguaje significan los límites de mi mundo") which makes me think about the importance of languages in our globalized world -they are the key to communication- until there is a universal language, we will eventually have to become active language learners if we want to be involved in the development of human kind.
As teachers, we have to know our subject really well, we have to do a lot of research, to show our students enthusiasm about learning. However, it is sometimes hard to find the time to do this. I have found that internet is a great tool, but it can take hours until you find something that is really useful and helpful for your classes.
Through years of work as a teacher, I have gathered some excellent web pages and a variety of documents, videos, etc. and I would like to put together all these tools as well as materials and ideas in this space, to share them with other teachers who are also welcome to contribute to enlarge this collection.
It will take some time to do it, but I expect it will be worth the effort.
I am also taking a Diplomado at UNAM and I want to use this space as a "log" to write my reflections on what I learn in my classes...

The following link shows and interesting article about the origin of language and it includes the audio version too. I hope you like it..

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